From 1st July our prices are increasing. Please check each qualification page for information about inclusions, as most learning and assessment packs will now include a session plan as a standard offering, or contact us for more information.


The New CHC Community Services Training Package Updates

On the 24th of November 2022, finally published the CHC Community Services training package update. The updated qualifications are replacements for the existing versions, and providers are being given 12 months to transition to the new courses.

The CHC Community Services update comes with a few important changes that RTOs need to consider while transitioning to the new qualifications and CHC training resources.

To help out, we’re going to look at what training organisations should be doing to prepare for the updated CHC Community Services training package.  

Updates to CHC Community Services qualifications

Australia’s care industry has evolved quickly in the past few years. Changes to market demand has meant that existing VET programs struggled to keep up with the industry’s needs.

The new CHC Community Services training package is a direct response to this problem. The updated courses aim to ensure students are fully equipped to enter the workforce and pursue their career ambitions.

The new Individual, Ageing and Disability qualifications are not equivalent to the previous versions. RTOs will have to re-apply for scope to deliver the new CHC Community Services qualifications.

Equivalency details for the updated training packages are shown below:

Superseded QualificationNew QualificationEquivalency
CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual SupportCHC33021 Certificate III in Individual SupportNot Equivalent
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing SupportCHC43021 Certificate IV in Ageing SupportNot Equivalent
CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability SupportCHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability SupportNot Equivalent

Changes to the entry requirements for CHC Courses

The new CHC Community Services Industry Cluster comes with big changes to course entry requirements. These changes help to improve the quality of training and ensure learners are achieving greater outcomes in the workforce.

The entry requirements for the updated Community Services training packages are as follows:

New QualificationEntry Requirements
CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual SupportNo entry requirements.
CHC43021 Certificate IV in Ageing SupportCHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support, OR;CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing), OR;CHC30212 Certificate III in Aged Care, OR CHC30208 Certificate III in Aged Care, PLUS CHCSS001XX Entry into Care Roles Skill Set
CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability SupportCHCSS001XX Entry into Care Roles Skill Set, OR;4,000 hours work experience in a registered disability service (2 years full-time)

Ideally, RTOs should update their scope and course catalogue to include both the new CHC training packages and the related entry-level courses.

Providing a complete study pathway makes it simple for learners to find everything they need in one place, and this can be a major incentive to enrollment.

Get ready for the new CHC Community Services packages with RTO Works

The updated CHC Community Services package is a step in the right direction for the care industry. The new qualifications will have a major impact on the quality of training and help improve student outcomes.

RTOs have until November 2023 to update their training packages and transition any current students to the new courses. If you’re getting ready to deliver the updated CHC qualifications, there are few things you’ll need to do:

  1. Assess the new entry requirements and how this will affect the courses already included in your scope of delivery
  2. Develop a transition plan that identifies students who will need to be moved to the new courses over the next 12 months
  3. Apply to expand the scope of your RTO so you can begin delivering training sooner
  4. Certify your trainers to deliver the updated material
  5. Obtain CHC Community Services training resources that align with the newest updates to ensure students have access to the latest qualifications and training materials

RTO Works is proud to say that our new CHC Community Services courses are available for purchase and pre-order now!

The sooner you start transitioning to the new units, the sooner you’ll be able to deliver the high quality training your learners need.

Get in touch with us to update your RTO resources or for help with expanding your scope and transitioning students to the new qualifications!