From 1st July our prices are increasing. Please check each qualification page for information about inclusions, as most learning and assessment packs will now include a session plan as a standard offering, or contact us for more information.


Ageing Disability Support Qualifications

As part of RTO Works’ commitment to supplying consistent and high-quality resources for your VET provider, we’re excited to announce our next suite of brand new qualifications!

Community Services Works is focused on preparing your students to act as empathetic and professional support personnel for ageing members of the community and for those living with disabilities.

What are the qualifications?

The new Community Services Works collection is comprised of these flexible qualifications:

‘Individual Support’, ‘Ageing Support’ and ‘Community Services’ is available to add to your RTO offering, with ‘Disability’ coming by the end of July!

What makes these qualifications unique?

When developing Community Services Works, we wanted to prioritise the human aspect, which is such a crucial part of working with vulnerable Australians in carer and support careers. Our team of instructional designers has created material that does more than just instruct on the practical side of what ‘support’ means.

Guided by Arti Naicker, whose insight into life with a quadriplegic partner has guided the development team’s approach, Community Services Works places a heavy emphasis on the future relationship between the student and their support receivers. Arti understands caring – and its related areas, like the NDIS – from a personal perspective. Her contribution to the material has been centred around consideration for the end user – how students will be entering the homes, lives and personal spaces of those who need support most.

Where another set of resources may have simply explained how to work with a person with a physical disability or life-changing injury, Arti has ensured that resources from RTO Works will encourage your students to think about how that person may feel, now that they need help to do everyday things they used to be able to do on their own. This type of focus will lead to outcomes that aren’t just about acquiring skills, but also about listening, speaking and acting with empathy, compassion and understanding.

What are the benefits for your RTO?

We’ve created an in-depth Simulation Pack and flexible evidence gathering tools for Community Services Works to enable your RTO to record the practical evidence needed for these courses no matter your delivery method. Whether your students are in the classroom or in the workplace (or a mix of the two), our assessment tools are flexible to meet the in-person care requirements for proper certification. 

By using extensive support receiver profiles – that highlight diversity in ability, religion, gender, ethnicity and sexuality – material from RTO Works empowers your students to learn how to provide care that’s tailored to the individual. 

We believe that every one of our resources should be easy to deliver and affordable for your VET provider. That’s why each qualification within Community Services Works is available as a once-off purchase, with unlimited use – regardless of student numbers.

Learn more about Community Services Works, or contact us to add these qualifications to your offerings.

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