AURAFA103 – Communicate effectively in an automotive workplace


RTO Works provides up to date AURAFA103 RTO materials designed to support learners and instructors alike. Order your AURAFA103 resources online today.

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The team at RTO Works partners with clients across the country to provide AURAFA103 RTO materials that focus on delivering a high quality learning experience. Our AURAFA103 materials are developed in partnership with Automotive Assessment Tools. This collaborative process allows us to design learning materials that meet the needs of both learners and instructors, improving outcomes for your RTO and its students.

To ensure our AURAFA103 RTO materials are compliant, our resources come with the RTO Works Compliance Promise. Our Compliance Promise means we can provide support throughout the audit process, making it simpler to implement and update  your resources. Under the Compliance Promise, we will challenge or rectify any issues raised at audit, provided the substance of our materials is unchanged. This service is provided at no cost to you, which minimises the risk and expense of audits.

You can purchase our AURAFA103 materials above, or contact RTO Works to request a free sample pack today.